Moving WordPress

In few steps, WordPress can be moved to another host. Idea is to move complete installation from public host to local host. Why? Because this way you will have test and production site. Test site isn’t public and you can play and try some modifications before publishing. Posts can be written locally, and after finishing, just perform copy & paste from test to production site.

SEO for beginners

In this article you will find few tips for beginners to write articles based on SEO rules. SEO means – Search Engine Optimization. Articles written by SEO rules will result with better PageRank (higher position in Google, Yahoo, MSN …). Optimization rules can be grouped to: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization are techniques or rules performed on article itself, while off-page optimization it’s done on other sites.

Categories Web

Resize images with PHP script

Did you ever try to resize many images at once? I did, and I wrote PHP script for that purpose. Anyway, after I selected few images from my photo album, I realized that every image was about 500KB and resolution of 1600×1200. This seems too big. Images should be smaller and lighter for upload.

WP-Cache and 0 cached pages

WP-Cache can make WordPress very fast. I have been monitoring my and discovered that WP-Cache doesn’t work. Directory wp-content/cache was empty (only wp_cache_mutex.lock file was inside). In WP-Cache control panel was written 0 cached pages and 0 expired pages (WP-Cache was enabled). That was call for repair.

FireFox displays blurred image

I spent few hours till I found reason why my image (gravatar) looks blurred on WordPress page. I tried to change CSS, upgrade FireFox, set bigger gravatar … In short, the reason was page zoom. After Zoom Reset, images were displayed normally.

Make WordPress fly

New WordPress installation with few modules can give only 3.44 requests per second. After turning on MySQL cache and PHP cache, site becomes 150% quicker. This can be done on MySQL and PHP level. On the other hand if your site is installed on shared host, you probably have restricted access and you can’t edit my.cnf nor install APC. You can only install cache module like WP-Cache is, to improve speed.

LAMP setup: Make it faster

Popularity means more traffic or we can say more requests per second. Did you ever measure how many requests per second your Web server can handle and how to improve it? This article should give the answer and show how to increase quickness of Web applications like WordPress, phpBB, Joomla …

LAMP setup: Apache and PHP

After finishing all tasks from the previous article LAMP setup, now is time to move on. LAMP server is secured and waiting for Apache and PHP configuration.

LAMP setup: Beginning

How to install and configure Linux as a Web server? What are the main steps to go? This post should cover the main configuration steps of LAMP – Linux Apache MySQL PHP server.

Google syntax highlighter

With Google Syntax Highlighter you will be able to highlight source code. Highlighting is pure JavaScript without need for any server side action. Google Syntax Highlighter is structured with one main file and optional brushes. In current version, GSH is able to paint: C++, C#, CSS, Delphi, Java, Java Script, PHP, Python, Ruby, Sql, VB, XML/HTML …

New to WordPress

I didn’t have any experience about WordPress till now, and all I can say that is a great CMS. With my LAMP background there wasn’t any problem to customize plugins or WordPress template. This post should be a small cookbook of tips and tricks to do before publishing WordPress site.