Android Studio – No space left on device

I tried to install AVD (Marshmallow x86_64) to Android Studio 2.1 and the result was “An error occurred during installation: No space left on device”. The reason was too small /tmp partition on my Linux Fedora 24 desktop.

Kodi and video judder on Intel HTPC

After Kodi installation on Q1900 HTPC (Intel Bay Trail processor), everything was fine except one irritating detail. The problem was judder (hicckup) every 8 seconds showing on movies with 23.976 FPS on my LG TV model 42LD650. Solution for smooth movie playing was adding correct modelines in xorg.conf.

Simple Linux gateway

This simple guide will show how to to turn on and off Internet access with some Linux PC in the middle. If you have Raspberry PI without its main purpose, it’ll be the perfect choice. With all the ingredients at one place, workshop can start.

PulseAudio debugging

PulseAudio is a sound system used in modern Linux distributions. In most scenarios sound will work without any problem and you’ll not know what is under the hood. The fun begins when some additional settings are needed and that usually leads to debugging process

No soundcards found with aplay

After Fedora 22 fresh install, aplay command didn’t find any sound cards. On the other hand, root user had correct output of the “aplay -l” command. The solution was to add “audio” group to the user.

Fedora LXDE auto login and Kodi auto start

Here is small tip how to set up auto login and Kodi auto start on top of the Fedora 22 LXDE spin – Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. With settings in two files, after reboot Fedora should run Kodi without login screen. These two configuration files are lxdm.conf and .dmrc in user home directory.

CentOS 6.6 and MySQL 5.6

By default, CentOS 6.6 will come with MySQL 5.1 packages. After MySQL upgrade to version 5.6, some old good working SQL inserts start to cause errors. The error message was “data too long” which was a bit strange.

Un-fixing Fixed Elements with CSS Transforms

In Chrome version 41, DIV element with fixed position had additional offset – offset that shouldn’t appear. After googling for a while, I have found the the cause of such behaviour – CSS transform style on parent container. Disabling transform style has fixed the problem.

Categories Web

PHP mcrypt on CentOS 6

PHP on CentOS 6.6 didn’t have support for mcrypt_get_block_size() function. When something like that happen, next step is to use yum and try to install needed packages. Unfortunately, with default RPM repositories it was not possible and the solution was to add Remi and EPEL repositories.

Reduce spam

After updating my WordPress to the newest version, site was hit with enormous number of SPAM messages. For a day or two, Akismet marked 3 to 4 thousand messages which sounds a bit problematic. With few lines in htaccess and simple plugin, I’ll try to reduce that number.

GNOME wrong window scaling on TV

After connecting HTPC via HDMI cable to 42″ LG TV (42LD650), resolution was correctly set to 1920×1080 (HDTV) but screen was recognized as 7″. The result was wrong scaling for windows, fonts and mouse pointer. Luckily, solution is easy and with gsettings command (and logout/login) GNOME 3.10 desktop environment is set to normal in a minute.