Change GRUB timeout on Fedora 20 with UEFI

After migration to Fedora 20 with UEFI (instead of BIOS), making GRUB changes was totally ignored. The problem was with definition of output generated GRUB config file. UEFI system reads settings from new location and that is described in second step.

Symbolic link and Apache directory listing

This post explains how to set (and enable) document root as a symbolic link for Apache web server. By default symbolic link is not enabled and error message will be displayed instead of requested page. In a few steps (and config files), Apache on Fedora Core 20 can be configured to allow symbolic links and display directory listing.

MySQL master full disk and replication problem

After /var partition on master MySQL server was full, replication has stopped working. Master server wasn’t able to write new changes to the binlog file. Recovery procedure seems simple, clean /var partition and restart slave servers but it was not so easy.

Downgrade OpenCV library on Fedora 18

Fedora 18 and OpenCV version 2.4.3 is not the brightest combination. After upgrading from FC17, python script has stopped working with displayed “SURF missing” error. I decided to downgrade OpenCV to 2.3.1 until this library problem will be resolved. Downgrade process is a little tricky, but finally my python code started to work on FC18 the same as it worked on FC17.

Fedora Core 18 NetInstall from USB stick

Post describes Fedora Core 18 installation on an old PC with no CDROM and no USB boot option in BIOS. Fortunately, PC had dual boot (Fedora 13 and Windows XP), so existing GRUB was reused to start installation. The solution was to copy netinst.iso image to the USB device and to load new kernel and initial ramdisk from it.

Fedora – grub Error 15

In my case, “Error 15” occurred right after Fedora installation. It seems that I didn’t check somewhere during installation to write GRUB to the /dev/sda disk. After first reboot (while finishing Fedora installation), GRUB displayed “Error 15” message and booting was stopped.

How to install mplayer in Fedora Core 18

Mplayer Installation procedure is the same as is in my post “How to install mplayer in Fedora Core 12” but with some tweaks at the end. It seems that RPM Fusion repository didn’t create needed symbolic links in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg directory. After symbolic link was created manually, mplayer / vlc installation has been finished successfully.

GT-S5570 CyanogenMod tweaks

In this post I will show how to increase internal storage for GT-S5570 (Samsung Galaxy Mini) with installed CyanogenMod and how to uninstall ROM Manager. ROM Manager is incompatible with the Mini, and will brick the phone, so it’s recommended to remove this application included in CyanogenMod by default. After this few tweaks, CM and S5570 will be a really nice combination.

Fixing MySQL replication after slaves’s relay log was corrupted

MySQL replication on slave (version 5.1.61) has stopped. Slave_IO_Running was marked as Yes, but Slave_SQL_Running as No. Simple stop/start slave didn’t help so further problem analysis was needed. It seemed that current slave’s relay log was corrupted because testing with “mysqlbinlog” has printed out an error. Therefore, the solution was to discard current relay binlogs and to point slave to the last master binlog position.

Flashing GT-S5570 from brick to stock firmware

Post describes unbrick procedure for GT-S5570 phone. Former user tried to flash Samsung Galaxy Mini with ROM manager but he didn’t read warnings about unsupported devices. His flash attempt has resulted with hard bricked phone. I managed to unbrick the phone and install stock Gingerbread for my region (Croatia) but must say that it was not so easy.

Unlock GT-S5570

I bought hard bricked Samsung Galaxy Mini and in my previous post Flashing GT-S5570 is explained how this phone was unbricked. In short, boot loader was fixed with RiffBox and from Froyo 2.2.1 upgraded to Gingerbread 2.3.6 and finally to Cyanogenmod 7.2. Phone worked perfectly except displayed “No SIM card” message. That didn’t bother me because SIM card was not inserted yet. But after SIM card was inserted phone still complained about “No SIM card”.