How to Root the HTC Desire HD

This instructions are written primarily for hacking HTC Desire HD from the Linux 32bit (utilities in AAHK kit: adb and Fastboot are 32-bit). I didn’t want to clean Windows7 like disabling virus scanner, uninstall Droid Explorer or other smartphone, PDA or tablet software. Boot from the Live Linux CD is the most easier method and has the best chance for success.

Problem with comments – page not found

Comment posting on WordPress site has stopped working. Instead of displaying saved comment, “page not found” page was shown. URL redirection was also strange “comment-page-/#comment-” (something I never saw). Comment posting is a very important part of my blog so I have started repairing it immediately.

WP admin – blank screen

Frontpage of my site was displayed nicely but when I tried to login to the wp-admin, I got blank page. After loading other posts on my WordPress, half of posts were white pages while second half was just fine. Inside error_log wasn’t any recent message and from this point I started to search for the problem.

Remove password from Virtual Machine Manager on Linux

By default, Virtual Machine Manager on Linux (in my case on Fedora) will ask for root password before starting up. Every time I clicked on Applications -> System Tools -> Virtual Machine Manager password popup appeared no matter I’m the only user on my PC. If you have the same situation, here are few steps how to get rid of entering root password each time you start VM manager.

Split and merge large files on Linux

Simple trick of how to split and merge back large files on Linux using split and cat commands. split and cat commands belong to the GNU core utilities which are expected to exist on every Linux operating system. Means, every Linux distro is already prepared for split/merge files and you only need to know how.

Copy virtual machine to the new host

Post describes how to copy installed virtual machine from Fedora to another RedHat family host. This procedure consists of disk image copy and VM configuration in few steps. In other words, guest OS can be very easily copied or cloned to the new.

REDIPS.drag documentation – Appendix A

Here is list of keywords (mostly class names) used in REDIPS.drag library. Id of drag container(s) or table cell class names should be named properly to achieve needed functionality like cloning DIV elements, adding trash cell, mark cells, adding row handler or mark table as “nolayout”. This post is appendix to the REDIPS.drag documentation post.

Convert PHP associative array to XML

Post shows simple PHP function of how to create XML string from associative array. In foreach loop, each item will be closed within XML tag named on key part of array member. After loop is finished, function returns XML string. I also created options to add parent node and write nodes in uppercase.

Categories PHP

JavaScript checkbox toggle

Demo shows how to toggle or clear checkbox group. On button click, all checkboxes in HTML table will change checked state. Checkbox group can be defined with any container so it’s not necessary to use a table. This is really simple JavaScript function with checkbox toggle and clear options.

Android and different notification sounds

How to set individual notification sounds for different types of messages (SMS, calendar, email) on Android smartphone. Yes, HTC has support and it’s possible to have different sounds for incoming SMS and Email.