Android email and Postfix with authorization

I have been unable to send a company email from my HTC Android. The solution was to install and configure own outgoing mail server instead of using mobile providers servers. Now I can send an email quickly and easily, using whatever Internet connection is available – home, work, friends wireless connection, wireless hotspot or 3G dongle.

console.log in IE8

Why IE8 displays error for console.log line in JavaScript? Well, developer tools should be activated if you intend to use console.log command. Just press F12 (to turn on developer tools) and F5 (to reload the same page) – and error will disappear magically.

Find parent node in DOM

Every HTML element in DOM has reference to its parent node. With simple iteration it’s possible to traverse up to requested element. If this loop is wrapped within a function, you will get a very useful code.

HTML5 canvas example 2

Canvas is a new HTML5 element. Actually it’s a rectangular area enabled for drawing with JavaScript. This post shows random animation based on geometry of line and parabola. It is possible to run processes in parallel where more than one animation will be displayed on canvas.

Urlsnarf init script on Fedora

Post describes how to create init script for urlsnarf and start it as a daemon on Fedora Linux. Process is simple, install dsniff package and create init script inside /etc/init.d/ directory. After activation with chkconfig, urlsnarf will start up on Linux boot.

Install OpenShot 1.3 on Fedora Core 14

This tutorial describes how to install OpenShot 1.3 on Fedora Core 14. OpenShot is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor, based on Python, GTK, and MLT. It can edit video / audio files and use Blender 2.56 to create animated titles. Multiple layers of video and audio can be mixed and render the output in many different formats.

Install Blender 2.56 on Fedora Core 14

Steps to install Blender 2.56 on Fedora Core 14. FC14 can easily install Blender 2.49b from repository, but new OpenShot 1.3 requires newest blender if you want to create and use animated titles.

HTML5 canvas example

The canvas is a new HTML5 element and it is used to draw graphs, charts, animations and other sort of graphics. Actually, canvas is a JavaScript controlled 2D drawing area. This example shows how to create simple JavaScript function and draw circles inside canvas tag.