Android box conflict with TV remote controller

X96Q is nice android TV box and it was supposed to breathe new life into old LG 42LD650 TV. Everything was fine until I tried to volume down TV and realized that this button is also recognized by android box as media fast forward in Youtube app. So, the solution was to make android box to ignore volume up from LG TV remote controller.

GT-S5570 CyanogenMod tweaks

In this post I will show how to increase internal storage for GT-S5570 (Samsung Galaxy Mini) with installed CyanogenMod and how to uninstall ROM Manager. ROM Manager is incompatible with the Mini, and will brick the phone, so it’s recommended to remove this application included in CyanogenMod by default. After this few tweaks, CM and S5570 will be a really nice combination.

Flashing GT-S5570 from brick to stock firmware

Post describes unbrick procedure for GT-S5570 phone. Former user tried to flash Samsung Galaxy Mini with ROM manager but he didn’t read warnings about unsupported devices. His flash attempt has resulted with hard bricked phone. I managed to unbrick the phone and install stock Gingerbread for my region (Croatia) but must say that it was not so easy.

Unlock GT-S5570

I bought hard bricked Samsung Galaxy Mini and in my previous post Flashing GT-S5570 is explained how this phone was unbricked. In short, boot loader was fixed with RiffBox and from Froyo 2.2.1 upgraded to Gingerbread 2.3.6 and finally to Cyanogenmod 7.2. Phone worked perfectly except displayed “No SIM card” message. That didn’t bother me because SIM card was not inserted yet. But after SIM card was inserted phone still complained about “No SIM card”.

Flashing GT-S5570 from brick to CyanogenMod

In short, here you will find steps after GT-S5570 Android phone was resurrected with RiffBox. Initially, Samsung Galaxy Mini was flashed with wrong firmware. Resurrection went smooth without problem and it was possible to switch it to the download mode. And finally, my goal was to install CyanogenMod 7.2 custom ROM.

S5570 and OpenOCD

You will find a lot of documents about SG-S5570 resurrection and unbricking methods. XDA is the most important knowledge source but S5570 forum lacks of experienced (senior) developers. This post describes my attempt to recover boot loader using simple wiggler and OpenOCD software. Unfortunately, I was not successful.

SD card image for Android emulator

With mksdcard tool (that comes in Android SDK) it’s possible to create a blank FAT32 image. After image is created it can be attached and used in emulator. Empty SD is not so useful so here will be shown several ways how to copy content to the SD image.

Android emulator on Fedora Linux

If your Linux is x86_64 system then is likely that sound in Android emulator will not work out of the box. Tools in Android SDK are 32-bit so Linux should have i686 libraries installed to enable fully functioning of SDK tools. If you get missing libraries error and the warning “opening audio output failed” right after starting emulator then this post will be helpful for you.

Eclipse and Android apps development on Fedora Linux

This steps show how to prepare Eclipse on Fedora Core 17 for Android application development. Eclipse with its extensible plug-in system is excellent IDE with all tools (code completion, syntax coloring, error correct suggestion, documentation) needed to create Android application. Fast x86 emulator from Android SDK (that now runs at “near native speed”) gives application development a new level.

HTC Desire HD / AAHK output

This post shows complete output from the AAHK kit during HTC Desire HD hack. DHD was firstly downgraded to the Android 2.3.3 version and then rooted. If you are interested in steps and additional info, please go to my previous post “How to Root the HTC Desire HD”.

How to Root the HTC Desire HD

This instructions are written primarily for hacking HTC Desire HD from the Linux 32bit (utilities in AAHK kit: adb and Fastboot are 32-bit). I didn’t want to clean Windows7 like disabling virus scanner, uninstall Droid Explorer or other smartphone, PDA or tablet software. Boot from the Live Linux CD is the most easier method and has the best chance for success.