Adding shared windows printer to the Fedora Core 17

Post explains problem and solution how to add shared windows printer to the Fedora Core 17 Linux. The whole point was in missing samba-client rpm. Solution is simple but it was not so obvious from error log or displayed message in popup.

How to create FAT32 USB drive on Linux

In short, steps to create USB drive on Linux are: delete all, create partition, set partition type, mark it as active and write changes to disk. After new partition is created, with mkfs command it’s needed to create FAT32 file system. This may sound scary, but the only tricky part is to use correct device name (in my case it was sdg).

Remove password from Virtual Machine Manager on Linux

By default, Virtual Machine Manager on Linux (in my case on Fedora) will ask for root password before starting up. Every time I clicked on Applications -> System Tools -> Virtual Machine Manager password popup appeared no matter I’m the only user on my PC. If you have the same situation, here are few steps how to get rid of entering root password each time you start VM manager.

Split and merge large files on Linux

Simple trick of how to split and merge back large files on Linux using split and cat commands. split and cat commands belong to the GNU core utilities which are expected to exist on every Linux operating system. Means, every Linux distro is already prepared for split/merge files and you only need to know how.

Copy virtual machine to the new host

Post describes how to copy installed virtual machine from Fedora to another RedHat family host. This procedure consists of disk image copy and VM configuration in few steps. In other words, guest OS can be very easily copied or cloned to the new.

Android email and Postfix with authorization

I have been unable to send a company email from my HTC Android. The solution was to install and configure own outgoing mail server instead of using mobile providers servers. Now I can send an email quickly and easily, using whatever Internet connection is available – home, work, friends wireless connection, wireless hotspot or 3G dongle.

Urlsnarf init script on Fedora

Post describes how to create init script for urlsnarf and start it as a daemon on Fedora Linux. Process is simple, install dsniff package and create init script inside /etc/init.d/ directory. After activation with chkconfig, urlsnarf will start up on Linux boot.

Install OpenShot 1.3 on Fedora Core 14

This tutorial describes how to install OpenShot 1.3 on Fedora Core 14. OpenShot is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor, based on Python, GTK, and MLT. It can edit video / audio files and use Blender 2.56 to create animated titles. Multiple layers of video and audio can be mixed and render the output in many different formats.

Fedora VPN client and routing (2)

Default VPN connection on Fedora will route all traffic to ppp0 device. Sometimes it is not the best solution. This post will show how to route only (class A) network traffic to VPN and the rest to go through eth0 (via normal ISP) – in few clicks and without scripting.

Linux and WinTV-HVR-3000

Small tips of how to watch DVB-T channels with WinTV-HVR-3000 PCI card on Fedora. After few hours of configuring, I was finally able to watch and record DVB-T channels. CPU usage of Me TV is minimal and picture quality is fine.