This post explains how to add a new slave to the existing MySQL replication. New slave server can be added to the MySQL replication without stopping master or shutting down existing slave server. You will have to temporarily stop replication on the slave server in order to take the current data snapshot. On the other hand, if you need to set up a new MySQL replication, please read – How to Set Up Replication
- Stop replication on the existing slave
- Export databases from the existing slave
- Copy and from existing to the new slave server
- Start replication on the existing slave
- Import MySQL dump to the new slave server and stop mysqld
- Edit file
- Add grant on the master server
- Copy my.cnf and increment server-id
- Start a new slave server
1. Stop replication on the existing slave
To clone a new slave server, it is necessary to temporary stop replication on the existing slave. Why? Because you will have to take a data snapshot. Connect to the slave using MySQL client and run the following command:
# (existing slave server) pause replication mysql> show slave status\G mysql> slave stop; mysql> show slave status\G
Existing slave is only paused and every change from the master will wait until you start replication with slave start command. Slave server will normally execute SQL requests and if your data changes are not so frequent, no one will notice that something is happening in the background. With show slave status you will see the status report before and after slave is stopped.
2. Export databases from the existing slave
After existing slave is paused, you can take a data snapshot. With mysqldump, database (or a collection of databases) can be exported to the file.
# (existing slave server) export database to the file bash> mysqldump -p -uroot my_database > /tmp/my_database.sql
Before running mysqldump, be sure you have enough disk space. Move my_database.sql to the new slave server using scp, ftp, wget …
3. Copy and from existing to the new slave server
A slave replication server creates two additional small files in the data directory. These status files are named and by default. contains relay_log file name, relay_log position, corresponding master log name and corresponding master log position, while contains parameters to connect to the master server: server address, user to connect to the master server (with plain text password), port … Here is example how you can copy and to the new slave server:
# (existing slave server) copy and files bash> scp /var/lib/mysql/ new_slave_server:/var/lib/mysql bash> scp /var/lib/mysql/ new_slave_server:/var/lib/mysql
Don’t forget to change owner and group for and to “mysql” user. If files have been copied as “root” user then mysqld server will not have write permission and replication will not work. Here is output from /var/log/mysqld.log file in that case:
... [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: File '/var/lib/mysql/' not found (Errcode: 13) [ERROR] Failed to open the existing master info file (file '/var/lib/mysql/', errno 13) [ERROR] Failed to initialize the master info structure ...
So the trick is to set file owner and group to the “mysql” user and restart mysqld server.
bash> chown mysql.mysql bash> chown mysql.mysql
4. Start replication on the existing slave
Data snapshot, and are copied to the new slave server. Now you can start replication on the existing slave.
# (existing slave server) start replication mysql> show slave status\G mysql> slave start; mysql> show slave status\G
New slave server can wait because it will retrieve changes from the point written in its file.
5. Import MySQL dump to the new slave server and stop mysqld
You have already move MySQL dump to the new slave server. To import data to the MySQL database, use mysql client.
# (new slave server) import database from the file bash> mysql -p -u root my_database < /tmp/my_database.sql
After data import is finished, stop mysqld because you will need to change and create /etc/my.cnf file. I will just mention that you can run data import from the existing slave directly - without coping first, but you will have to grant access from the existing slave server. The only difference is a -h switch.
# (existing slave server) import database from the file bash> mysql -p -u root -h new_slave_server my_database < /tmp/my_database.sql
6. Edit file
As said before, contains relay_log file name. By default, relay log file names have the form host_name-relay-bin.nnnnnn, where host_name is the name of the slave server host and nnnnnn is a sequence number. The new slave server will have a new name and that change should be included. Open file and edit the first line.
# (new slave server) change relay_log file name in # first line before change ./existing_slave_name-relay-bin.000076 # first line after change ./new_slave_name-relay-bin.000001
You can reset sequence number because mysqld will recreate relay_log after starting up. If you get the following errors after starting the new slave server:
- Failed to open the relay log
- Could not find target log during relay log initialization
you are probably entered a wrong host_name.
7. Add grant on the master server
Each slave must connect to the master using a standard MySQL user name and password, so there must be a user account on the master that the slave can use to connect. In this scenario with existing slave, user for replication already exist on the master server. You will only have to set additional grant. Let's assume that user name for replication is replica:
# (master server) add grant to replica user to connect from the new slave server mysql> grant replication slave on *.* to 'replica'@'new_slave_name_or_ip' identified by 'password';
With this grant, replica user could only request updates that have been made to databases on the master server - nothing more. Without applying grant for newly added slave server, the following error message will be displayed in /var/log/mysqld.log file:
... [Warning] Slave I/O: Master command COM_REGISTER_SLAVE failed: failed registering on master, reconnecting to try again, log 'mysql-bin.001042' at position 468289276, Error_code: 1597 [ERROR] Slave I/O: Master command COM_REGISTER_SLAVE failed: Access denied for user 'replica'@'' (using password: YES) (Errno: 1045), Error_code: 1597 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread couldn't register on master ...
8. Copy my.cnf and increment server-id
On the master and each slave, you must use the server-id option to establish a unique replication ID. For each server, you should pick a unique positive integer, and each ID must be different from every other ID. Copy /etc/my.cnf from the existing slave to the new slave and edit server-id line. In my example, master is server-id=1 and the first slave is server-id=2, so I set server-id=3 to the new slave server.
9. Start a new slave server
# (new slave server) start replication bash> /etc/init.d/mysqld start # or bash> service mysqld start
If all went according to this cookbook, in /var/log/mysqld.log, you should find:
- Slave SQL thread initialized, starting replication in log ...
- Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'replica@your_master:3306', replication started in log ...
... means that you have successfully add a new slave server.
When editing the file, it’s not enough to only edit the name of the relay log, but the position should be changed as well (to 0). If you don’t, the slave will start reading at a later point in it’s relay log.
But better then to edit the file it is to delete them both, and to initialize the slave with “CHANGE MASTER TO”, which values can be read from the file.
Stijn van der Ree,
I read once again MySQL manual pages Replication Relay and Status Files and you have right. Not only name should be changed but position too. On the other hand, I’m sure that I didn’t touch Relay_Log_Pos (second line) in file, only name was changed as I described in Edit file. Hmm, the question is how did I successfully create a new MySQL slave if position was not set to zero? I can only suppose that MySQL slave ignored non existing position in newly created new_slave_name-relay-bin.000001 file.
Hope that someone can confirm my assumption.
At first I also only changed the filename, and then discovered the slave was missing some data. In my case it did start reading later on, maybe because the position in the relay-log already existed (because enough data was already downloaded from the master). It’s likely that if the position does not exist, it starts at zero.
I agree with Stijin. I do this kind of thing all the time, and find it much better to read the position from the stopped slave, and use CHANGE MASTER TO, to initialize the new slave.
In step one, just do SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G
and record Relay_Master_Log_File and Exec_Master_Log_Pos
It’s very very important that it’s those two, and not some of the other fields that look like they might be the master position. Because those define the position on the master it’s actually exectued on the slave.
Then just use CHANGE MASTER TO. That lets mysql manage it’s and such w/out the chance for messing up those files. The other advantages are that it can be done through the mysql client, instead of mucking around in files on the new slave, and you don’t have to restart mysql on the new slave — assuming you have slave-id set before you start.
Thanks for the guide, really helped me along!
My process was the same but I did a CHANGE MASTER TO as well.
One thing I had to do after i did the GRANT REPLICATION … line was to do a FLUSH PRIVILEGES on the master as well.
hai friends pls help me, how can i solve this problem
“Slave_IO_State”, “Master_Host”, “Master_User”, “Master_Port”, “Connect_Retry”, “Master_Log_File”,
“Read_Master_Log_Pos”, “Relay_Log_File”, “Relay_Log_Pos”, “Relay_Master_Log_File”, “Slave_IO_Running”, “Slave_SQL_Running”, “Replicate_Do_DB”, “Replicate_Ignore_DB”, “Replicate_Do_Table”, “Replicate_Ignore_Table”, “Replicate_Wild_Do_Table”, “Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table”, “Last_Errno”, “Last_Error”, “Skip_Counter”, “Exec_Master_Log_Pos”, “Relay_Log_Space”, “Until_Condition”, “Until_Log_File”, “Until_Log_Pos”, “Master_SSL_Allowed”, “Master_SSL_CA_File”, “Master_SSL_CA_Path”, “Master_SSL_Cert”, “Master_SSL_Cipher”, “Master_SSL_Key”, “Seconds_Behind_Master”, “Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert”,
“Last_IO_Errno”, “Last_IO_Error”, “Last_SQL_Errno”, “Last_SQL_Error”
“Connecting to master”, “”, “hyden”, “3306”, “60”, “master-bin.000001”,
“106”, “C70-relay-bin.000001”, “4”, “master-bin.000001”, “No”, “Yes”, “my_db”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “0”, “”, “0”, “106”, “106”, “None”, “”, “0”, “No”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, NULL, “No”,
“1045”, “error connecting to master ‘hyden@’ – retry-time: 60 retries: 86400”, “0”, “”
This error is due to privileges and authentication. Here is what I found:
“Error No. 1045 indicates that the user trying to connect to the master is not properly authenticated. Check if user has been given sufficient privileges at the master server.”
Hope this short info will give the right direction to solve the problem.
Thanks for the guide. As other people have commented, the stuff about editing files is unnecessary and it’s very easy to discover a chunk of data missing on your new slave, which can waste hours of time if you have a large database.
If anyone else should stumble across this page, here’s what you need to do differently:
At step 1, after you have stopped the original slave and used the show slave status\G command, make a note of the Relay_Master_Log_File and Exec_Master_Log_Pos. Ignore step 3 and step 6. At step 9, issue the following commands:
If you can’t remember your slave username or password, then it is on line 4 and 5 in the file on the original slave.
@Dave – Thank you for your comment. I made several MySQL slave cloning and never had any problems. Next time I will try with change master to command. Anyway in step 6 is minor editing of file (beacuse many of parameters stay unchanged), on the other hand with change master to command you will have to type in a lot of parameters to set the slave to the right point of master MySQL database. Nevertheless change master to seems as preferred method.
Originally I stumbled across this while trying to setup a slave of a slave of a master type setup. Where primary server is:
I’ve read its more practical to have the slaves replicate directly to the master for single-point of failure. However our network topology requires this for our disaster recover solution.
So I already have Master to –> slave replication working, however to now replicate the slave1 to new slave2, would I simply follow these instructions and use to reflect my slave1?
@Furosh – This post is about adding a new slave to the existing MySQL replication. In short, Master and Slave1 already exist and how to add Slave2 without stopping Master and Slave1. Here is my simple topology:
So, this instructions for adding a new slave (Slave2) to the replication will not fit your case of daisy chained slaves. You will have configure Slave1 to log to its own binary log any updates that are received from a master server. Here is MySQL documentation for –log-slave-updates option. Slave1 in your case must be both, a master and a slave at the same time.
Thanks for your response. I figured this all out after multiple tries of trying to figure out which exact bin-log and position to add to Slave2. The little light finally turned on right before I saw your response and yes I came to the same exact conclusion! I accomplished this by essentially making Slave2 use Slave1 as its master.
I think your simple topology where Master has 2 slaves is the best approach to have just one single-point of failure however due to our network topology slave1 is currently the only allowed server that can access our DMZ from inside our network. Master is in DMZ, Slave1 is inside our network, and Slave2 is in a separate DMZ for Disaster Recovery. Slave1 has access to both DMZs.
I realize if Slave1 becomes corrupted for any reason so will Slave2, but until I can have both slaves access our Master, this current setup seemed to be the only solution…
Thanks for your response!!!
Great Post, it worked FLAWLESSLY!!
Great post, thanks!
I found out that you need to move the ibdata_0.log and ibdata_1.log out of the directory
I am pretty much new in mysql database replication, in my system there are two 64bit machine, one is master and another is slave, now i need to add another slave into my system and i followed ur instruction step by step but still unsuccessful.
this is what showed when i applied ‘show slave status \G’
I checked and rechecked all configuration then i found my new system is 32bit machine.
is this the main issue??
i am trying for last two days… :(
@Ashqar Mahi – I think that 32bit slave should connect to the 64bit master without any problem (similar to reading HTML served by 64 bit server on 32bit Linux).
Your error message maybe points to permission problems. Please check is it possible to access master server with mysql command line from new slave server. Something like this on mysql slave server:
-p –> password to use when connecting to the server (if omitted, mysql prompts for one)
-u –> MySQL user name to use when connecting to the server (in this example it’s “replica”)
-h –> connect to the MySQL server on the given host
hi dbunic,
Thank you for pointing me to the right direction.
yes, i can not connect to my master server using the replication user from new slave.
and it will be helpful if you suggest me any way to troubleshoot this issue..